

Smokey had his bags packed ready to move across country from Miami to Colorado Springs. Unfortunately for him, life threw him and his family a curveball. An oral abscess reared its ugly head, threatening his life. With little time and resources, Smokey’s family made the decision to allow him to hop on a United Airlines flight headed to New York City. Smokey then made his way to South Wilton Veterinary Group for emergency enucleation and abscess surgery.

Smokey prevailed and spent time at Hopalong Hollow in rehabilitation adjusting to his new life. While at the Hollow he was a charmer, as all the volunteers doted over him. Eventually Smokey decided he was meant for big city life and circled back to New York City. Smokey now spends his days with his best friend Baldwin, riding up and down the coast on their mighty Barley-Hayvidson.


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